In teams of three you will be tasked with collaboratively performing a live remote object theater piece based on a commonly known fairy tale, myth, or fable (stories from all cultures and nationalities are acceptable). Your team must think of creative and experimental ways to tell a story that should be familiar to most of the audience. Using what you have learned from the Performance Lab assignments you will think of innovative ways to represent characters, environments, text, vocals, lighting, sound, and more. You will use tools like Max, OBS, LiveLab, and Blackhole to achieve this.
Performances may be analog, digital, hybrid, or installation based. COVID pending, performances will be open to ITP and IMA students to attend as well as any other folks we want to invite. Performances should be 7-10 minutes long. Each group will be responsible for presenting a concept presentation 2 weeks prior to the performance.
Things to consider:
What are the elements of the story you need to recreate?
How would you break down the story into 5-8 key moments?
What is each team member's role?
How will the audience view this performance? In person? On a screen? In a chat room?
What skills can you contribute / what equipment can you contribute / what spaces can you contribute?
What are ways in which you can emphasize the "liveness" of this piece / How is it different from a recorded piece?
Object Theater - Concept Presentation ~ Due March 23rd
Object Theater - Final Performance ~ Due April 6th