Max – Built in Tutorials

With Max open go to the Help tab and choose Reference:


With the new reference window open, select the home icon in the upper left most corner of the window. This will open up documentation which gives you access to many different Max, MSP, and Jitter tutorials. They are a bit antiquated at times but explain things in written format with interactive patches that you can take apart:


Max – Help Files

Every object in Max has an interactive help file that can be copied from. When the patch is unlocked right click on the object and select “Open (object name) help”


There may sometimes be some tabs at the top showcasing a few different features of the object. If you take the help file apart or copy paste from it, make sure that you don’t save when closing only the help file. It will overwrite the help file in the application memory.


Cycling ’74 Forums

Cycling ’74 is the company that makes Max and they have a forum with a wealth of information in its archives. You can also post your own questions to the forum although it’s recommended that your questions be fairly specific and that you upload a patch as a reference. To do so you can copy compress your patch and paste it to in the forum posting for other people to look at. To do this unlock your patch and select all (cmd+a) and then go the Edit Tab and select “Copy Compressed”


Now when you paste into the Max forum posting you should see a box that says “Pasted Max Patch: Click to Expand”


ITP Residents

Many of your Residents are quite skilled with Max and have office hours to answer your questions or offer 1 on 1 tutorials. The link above will take you to their office hours. Cezar Mocan, Nico Cabalquinto, Cy Kim, and Aidan Fowler are some residents that have experience w/ MaxMSPJitter